Saturday 23 May 2015

Pleasing Spa Chamber Design Inspiration

A spa room demands a great deal of captivating element. One of the many purposes is to create maximum peace, so the consumer would feel as if they are the temporary queen of the world. We would like to share some suggestions to build an enchanting spa chamber which will positively spoil your consumer rotten.

In a room of four, you can place a set of platform reclining lounges. Separate each bed with transparent draperies. The hardwood platform beneath the lounges will certainly entice your consumer. Bring the tropical accent by displaying a number of Oriental pottery works on the shelves. On the other side of the room, Buddha sits along the huge candles in the wall niche, investing stronger Oriental style into the luxurious room.

A contemporary room in golden ambient ray feels ever so inviting, especially as you see the drop-in oval porcelain bathtub filled with rose’s petals. Sweet aroma swirls in the air. The sleek and smooth surface of the porcelain emanates pure luxury. Spoil your guests more by setting up an open area concept through a glass sliding door which leads directly to a small courtyard filled with lush plantation, delivering natural refreshing effect.

It is an excellent idea for an Oriental styled room to hang some draperies surrounding the wooden chamber. Let your guests dip in a free standing bathtub behind the velvety draperies, while gazing directly at the vast sea and the blue island afar. The genius lighting fixtures on the pillars and the ceiling create a warm barrier against the chilling air from the open sea the spa room is facing.

Always provide the top-class treatment for your guests. One of the ways is by providing your guests with the ultimate luxury. The luxury can come from the beautiful design of the chamber.


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